
PZA becomes FA

Power Zone Equipment Inc. has announced the branching of its agricultural department with the establishment of Formation Ag, Inc. The company division will allow for better service and future growth with the industrial hemp industry. Over the next few weeks, Power Zone Equipment will be moving all agricultural projects over to the newly established Formation Ag for continued development, fabrication, and service.

All of Power Zone Agriculture’s equipment and projects are still here!

The transition from Power Zone Equipment’s agricultural department to a the new company of Formation Ag is a step to allow us to better grow and serve the hemp industry. Under a single roof, Power Zone’s agricultural department scheduled projects along side the other departments and often competed for resources. Now as its own company, Formation Ag is dedicated to building and advancing the same projects it did under the Power Zone brand – but is now completely dedicated to the agricultural sector.

We didn’t loose anything in the transition. in fact, we still have the same employees and have gained a few more! All of the projects including decortication, harvesting, and planting are still here and available for purchase – and now they are being developed and built faster than before!

Mechanizing Hemp Processes

Formation Ag is continuously developing products for industrial hemp. More information about some of our most popular product lines can be found below. We also offer custom built products. If you have an idea for equipment and would like to see it be made, contact us to get started!

CBD Focused Hemp Harvesting

Industrial hemp for CBD requires a gentle approach to prevent loss or degradation of oils. Formation Ag’s CBD Harvester uses oversized draper belts and reel to prevent wrapping while collecting the most material possible. 


Formation Ag’s Genesis and FiberTrack decorticators separate the hurd from the fiber and accept whole and unsorted stalks, including baled material.

Each decorticator is trailer mounted for portability and field-side processing.

Chaff Collection

When harvesting with a combine, don’t allow the chaff to become waste. Easily collect it for additional streams of revenue. 

The large capacity allows long passes through the field, and field side unloading with in-cab controls.

Need more info or have a special request? Tell us about it!

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